2021. (LXV) No. 1–2

Reflexive Dialog with the Text: Interpretation of Poetry after (Post)Structuralism
Article in Serbian, abstract in English
Tihomir Brajović (University of Belgrade)
The Location of Literary Theory and Some Other Arrangements
Article in Croatian, abstract in English
Zrinka Božić (University of Zagreb)

An Analysis of Fragment: Literature, Hysteria, Bisexuality
Article in Croatian, abstract in English
Mirela Dakić (University of Zagreb)

Signs of a Labyrinth in the Fantastic Short Story Collection Lađa od vode (Boat Made of Water) by Pavao Pavličić
Article in Croatian, abstract in English
Marijana Terić
Mikhail Epstein. Two Hundred Years of Dostoyevsky
Interview in Croatian
In the Shadow of the Muse Clio
Book review in Croatian
Josip Užarević, Ruska književnost od 11. do 21. stoljeća. Zagreb: Disput. 2020.
Živa Benčić (University of Zagreb)
Theatre of the (Post-war) Memory
Book review in Croatian
Snježana Banović, Kazalište za narod: Hrvatsko narodno kazalište u Zagrebu 1945-1955. Zagreb: Fraktura. 2020.
Lada Čale Feldman (University of Zagreb)
On the Functions of Literature: The Artistic and the Pedagogical in Croatian Literary (Hi)story
Book review in Croatian
Tihomir Brajović, Pedagoška fikcija: Bildungs-naracija i srodni modusi u novijoj hrvatskoj književnosti. Zagreb: Meandarmedia. 2020.
Boris Škvorc (University of Split)

What Is an Author in Contemporary Croatian Literature?
Book review in Croatian
Marina Protrka Štimec, Politike autorstva. Kanon, zajednica i pamćenje u novijoj hrvatskoj književnosti. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada – Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 2019.
Mirela Dakić (University of Zagreb)
Two Centuries of English Literature Within Reach: Understanding through Context
Book review in Croatian
Ljubica Matek, English Literature in Context – From Romanticism until the Late Twentieth Century. Osijek: Filozofski fakultet Osijek. 2020.
Zvonimir Prtenjača (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek)