2024 (LXVIII) 1

Under the Carapace of the Sky, under the Trochaic Whiteness. On the (Meta)metrics of Ivan Slamnig’s Verse Before Dronta
(Article in Croatian, abstract in English)
Mislav Graonić (University of Zagreb)
On the Bridge of Words: Socratic Dialogue in Ibsen’s Rosmersholm
(Article in Croatian, abstract in English)
Ana Tomljenović (University of Zagreb)
The Polyphony of Genre in Josip Kulundžić’s Novel Lunar
(Article in Serbian, abstract in English)
Iva G. Tešić (Institute for Literature and Arts, Belgrade)
American Neoconservative Literary Criticism of Irving Kristol and Norman Podhoretz
(Article in Croatian, abstract in English)
Sebastian A. Kukavica (University of Zagreb)
The Centenary of Aleksandar Flaker
In Croatian.
Round table organised by The Art of Words
Meticulous and Intriguing
Book review in English: Barbara Orel, Prekinitve s tradicijo v slovenskih uprizoritvenih umetnostih 1966-2006, Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Filozofska fakulteta i Akademija za gledališče,
radio, film in televizijo, 2023.
Lada Čale Feldman (University of Zagreb)
Inventura kulturne matrice
Book review in Croatian: Vivek Chibber, The Class Matrix. Social Theory after the Cultural Turn, Cambridge (Massachusetts)/London: Harvard University Press, 2022.
David Šporer (University of Zagreb)
In memoriam. Gordana Slabinac (1945–2023)
In Croatian.
Jelena Šesnić (Universitsy of Zagreb)